Acasa English Section How to speak and listen in the same time

How to speak and listen in the same time

7 min citire


I wouldn’t have thought it possible to find out so much about myself, about how I see the world around me, about how I can be most effective to realize in the end that the overall essence is to know all these details about others…

It is the second time I am reading the book „Parlez-Vous Personality?” and I am still fascinated by it.  Information comes fluidly, intensively, with details that I often smile about and  reflecte upon. I was challenged to think, and finally find a way to put in action what I discovered.

This book is not about abstract notions. It’s just science, based on the research work of over 30 years done by Dr. Taibi Kahler, who, guided by his natural tendency to observe, has classified and assembled data in order to understand human nature and its behaviour.

Beyond the technical details you can find in it, this book comes as a glove for all who wish to improve the way they communicate and the way they listen. Being able, at the same time, to listen and to make your own voice heard is the key to successful communication between people. And there is not just a „soft” approach to this. Terry McGuire, NASA specialist in the astronauts’ selection and placement, has validated the accuracy of Kahler theory and used his model for 18 years. It helped him predict the behaviour of astronauts in space.

If you are one of those who need to understand and check the information’s value before assuming the learning process, you will certainly not be disappointed. I’m sure you will find a rich source of information and materials that will bring value to everyday work. Those who enjoy testing new models and information on colleagues, on friends… will find this model and therefore this book fun. If you only want to improve your relationship with others, in order to experience better communication, you will love this book.

A coaching tool, but not only
One thing that needs to be stated up-front about this book is that it is not only for coaches. It is for anyone who believes that the power of proper communication can change lives and businesses for the better. The Process Communication Model (what the book is about) is an award winning communication and personality theory that has been used, as mentioned before, at NASA and in the communication training of American presidents (such as Bill Clinton).

With over 80.000 clinical tests to validate the accuracy of the theory, PCM is one of the most fascinating journeys into the dynamics of the human personality that I have ever encountered. In a world of fixed management solutions and predefined scripts, „Parlez-Vous Personlity” is a breath of fresh air. The book approaches communication, management, coaching and, generally speaking, human interaction from a personality-centric point of view.

The book, well structured and easy to read, is filled with intriguing and insightful examples of Process Communication at work. The examples cover a wide range, from personal to professional, from entry level to top management.

By reading the book, you will find the explanation to management puzzles such as:

–   why do the best performers in a team often don’t deliver the same top notch results as managers?

–   why having the same background and knowledge on topics isn’t enough to work well together?

–   how can you have unity in a team, but also leverage on the strongest personality traits of each team member?

–   how can you feed your teams psychological needs and keep them motivated?

–   how can you become a better public speaker or salesman by using the proper perceptual frame, posture gestures and tone of voice for each personality type?


Daniela Ciobotar, fondator DC-Catalyst
Paul Olteanu, fondator People Dynamics


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